Monday, November 18, 2013

Parque Maria Luisa

It took me forever to get these pictures up, I actually went to Parque Maria Luisa last week, but was so busy exploring the last few days I haven't posted any pictures! This is the park closest to my house, and also the home of Plaza de Espana. It was built in 1929 when Sevilla hosted the World's Fair, and was built to make the city feel like anything but a city. It definitely succeeded, you can get so lost in there that you forget! I don't have pictures of the jungle parts now, but this is Plaza de America, one end of the Park.

There are bird feed vendors who sell bird seed to feed the pigeons. There are so many. Everywhere

We also came across the Museo del Arte Mudejar, that I will have to go into next week. It is just mudejar artwork, and though I am WELL versed in the characteristics, I can't seem to find this art in America, so I might as well soak it up here!

This is a montadito. I love them so much and so excited that Cien Montaditos is coming to America. They have dessert ones and regular ones, I enjoy the chicken with garlic mayo and pepper, as well as the chocolate frosting with oreos one. And they are all about the size of your middle finger!

That's all for now, Barcelona on Friday!

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