Sunday, November 10, 2013

La Vida Sevilliana

Finally a weekend to relax! Last night, I completed the Spanish night life. We stayed out until the sun came up, watched the sunset with our breakfast. I went to bed at 7:45 am. Now, I can say I've done it. Never pulled an all-nighter before. The place we went to was really far away (which is part of the reason we were out so late) and was in La Macarena. I have been meaning to make it over there with my camera, but it really is far (it took us about 2 hours to walk home, and we were walking the time). There is a Medieval wall there though that I want some pictures of! Part of the problem as well is that I don't know how to get there, the 3 times I've been there I have just ended up there, without really any idea of how I arrived. It doesn't help that I seem to have lost my map of Sevilla. I don't have a clue where it is, so I just walk in general directions and ask for directions. People are great, they really pick up my slack. Anyway. I've just kind of been exploring different neighborhoods in my free time this weekend, and reading my novel, El Ultimo Trabajo del Senor Luna. It's about an 8th grade level, so I thought I'd start low and give myself the confidence boost to try harder books. Haha.I've also really gotta get started on my 15-20 page reflection. In Spanish.
This is a little bit of what I've seen these days...
Well if this isn't just the cutest thing.
I also found this nice little park, which I happen to pass all the time, just never walked in it. Be warned, I like palm trees.

Then I ventured into this court yard, which ended me up in Barrio Santa Cruz. This is a semi-touristy neighborhood, but is really pretty and has the narrow streets that  you can't drive on.

Then, I wandered into some churches. They were elaborate, kind of like all the churches in Europe. Moving on.

The streets are my favorite part of Sevilla, they just have so much life to them. Hustling and bustling at night, filled with people of all ages, street performers and vendors alike, just living the culture. I also found this small street with a mini market! It had a bunch of samples and I found a GREAT cookie place. First chocolate chip cooking in months.

How about you drop the kids off at the playground and sit at the bar while you watch them? That is actually insanely common. So many bars right next to the playgrounds. Imagine if they tried to do that in the US. So many letters to the aldermen would be written.
Yesterday, I went to Parque Maria Luisa to read, and every time I go there I forget how cool it is. You can literally get lost in there and at times, you are in a jungle. It's a completely different world. In fact, the sky was so pretty from the sunset I was trying to find my way out so I could go to the river to take a picture, but I didn't make it in time because there were so many twists and turns!

Also ended up at Plaza de Espana, one of my favorite spots.

Overall, pretty calm weekend. Since I am finished subbing now, I am hoping to explore a little more during the week. Speaking of which- this is the faculty room refrigerator at my internship.
Now, if THAT happened in the US.... there are usually two in there, someone has been enjoying school too much...
Top hit of the semester, can't wait to get it on my iPod: 

I love it, he talks about how he is going to live his life and enjoy it, doing whatever he wants. It's a hit at the discotectas.

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