Sunday, December 1, 2013

Las Setas: A Whole New World

Finally made it to the top of Las Setas!
I have literally been meaning to all semester and decided it was now or never. The cool mushroom structure that I always post pictures of is called "Las Setas," and you can climb to the top and get an awesome view of the city, you can see all the way to the country side. We went at sun down so it was great to capture the sunset. I want to go back during the afternoon though to take more pictures, but it cost 3 euro to go up (but it includes a drink).

I know to everyone else they look like the same picture... but to me each one is different..

I don't know if you know this, but you are looking at the largest wooden structure in the world. That's one for the books: Plaza de la Encarnacion, Seville, Spain.

 It is pretty cool too, that underneath Las Setas, when they were building it (which was originally supposed to be a supermarket) they found these Roman Ruins where the parking lot was supposed to be. When they found them, they stopped construction and scrapped the whole idea until they came up with the mushroom statue. This is the Antiquivarium, which all dates back to over 2,000 years ago and are in their original form.
Mind. Blown.

I only have 12 days left to cherish this experience.

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