Thursday, August 22, 2013

Seven Days.

Seven days. Makes it sound like the Ring. Anyway, I depart from the United States in a week, which is pretty cool. It is all coming to life now, but it still hasn’t sunk in entirely yet. Visiting Grand Valley these last few days was so nice, and a great reminder of how many people I have supporting me in this endeavor. It took my four years to truly connect with my team, but now, I know that they will be there for everything I need. Frankly, I am glad that I will be distracted with this cliché "life changing adventure," because watching them go through team stuff without me would kind of suck. They are small things that everyone could come together and laugh about…Things like NO ONE (except the freshmen of course) turning in our medical forms on time and dreading the god awful hour of 10 am when we have our physicals scheduled on the last Saturday of summer. All of the hot tub sessions that I was DRAGGED to after practice (usually because I was too cold to change into another bathing suit… or I didn’t quite trust the electric lime color of the hot tub). I know the team has been left in good hands, and can’t wait for these incoming freshmen to be properly welcomed to our family. Well, wasn’t all of that sappiness nice… Characteristically, I just rolled my eyes after reading this paragraph, and keep meaning to delete it.

Regardless, I don’t think Spain will feel real until I watch the team go through the intra-squad meet that we all get so pumped about for no particular reason. I am usually more excited about the extensive luncheon we get afterwards. But seriously, there is always so much food.

Good news though- I am figuring more out about my trip.

I NOW HAVE A HOTEL FOR THE FIRST NIGHT (something that was not solidified until recently. I probably cut it too close in making the reservation. Either way.)

Katie got approved for her PTO and is coming to visit me in November! It will be so refreshing to see a familiar face!

I now have some euros so that I can get grab a cup of coffee in the airport when I land… Now if only I liked coffee…

Still haven’t started packing… but I have been meaning to get to it. I mean, it’s only four months in one suitcase… how much could I forget? Gotta remember the toothbrush.

Good ol’ Jake Owens comes to mind these days.

“Pick a spot on any old map… I travel light and my bags are packed-
<except, they aren’t at all>

Just as long as I’m where you’re at… I’m gonna have a real good view, I’ll go anywhere,
<um… I don’t know you>

 Anywhere with you.
<Hindsight, I guess this song literally has nothing to do with my trip. It’s just catchy and about traveling. And happens to be on the radio at the moment. Thanks 99.5>

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